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Are you finna get these mental health skills?

It starts here, with training that takes just under 2 hours to complete.

👉 Go to this link: [__Wellness Education Lab__](https://wellnessedlab.org)

👉 Click __“Start Training NOW”__

👉 If you are older than 13, click __“Continue”__

👉 __Sign in__
- *You can log in with a pre-existing account or if you don't have one, you can create a new account.*
- *You can also choose to continue via Google or Clever*

❗ *NOTE: If you need to stop at any point, __your progress will be saved__ and you can come on back to finish when you’re ready..*

### đź“Ś Begin with the introductory [Skills Lab](https://app.wellnessedlab.org/course/view.php?id=14) (10 Mins.)
[![Wellness Education Lab - Skills Lab](//images.ctfassets.net/81iqaqpfd8fy/7FDDyR4m2oMPQXD0n5X81v/cb1afd657750b5bc0a7189caf391b668/Wellness_Education_Lab_-_Skills_Lab.png)](https://app.wellnessedlab.org/course/view.php?id=14 "The Wellness Education Lab - Skills Lab ")


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